Thursday, January 24, 2008

Prickly Shark

The prickly shark, Echinorhinus cookei, is a species of large bottom dwelling shark from the Pacific Ocean.
The prickly shark occurs throughout the Pacific, including Taiwan, New Zealand, Hawaii, California and Chile, among other locations
The prickly shark lives along shelves and slopes at depths between 11 and 425 m. It is often found in submarine canyons. Other sharks and bony fish are its usual food but it will also eat octopus, squid, and even catshark eggcases. Reproduction is ovoviviparous, with up to 114 pups in a litter.

1 comment:

Rindsay said...

That is not E. cookei. It is in a different Family entirely. The above pictire is from a shark form the family Oxynotidae, not the family Echinorhinidae.